Wednesday, January 7, 2015



Learning a new language can be a huge mental challenge, but no mental challenge is insurmountable  Having said that, I need to reiterate mastering the English language is not easy, especially if your native language's alphabet isn't based on the roman script. 

However, considering that more than 500 million people are currently speaking English throughout the world, English really can't be too difficult, because, Chinese are speaking English, Arabs are speaking English, Indians are speaking English, Greeks are speaking English, Japanese are speaking English and the list goes on.

Implying that all of these foreign tongue speakers learnt to speak English as a second language or even a third language since they weren't raised in an English speaking environment.  So, don't be intimidated by the statement that, the English language is not easy. Just go for it, learn English.


For some unknown reason, English historically became the lingua franca of the modern world, not Spanish, nor Portuguese, nor Dutch, nor French neither Italian, even though all these nationalities  were ruthless colonial conquerors. Perhaps, the reason why English became a world language is that Britanica ruled the waves or perhaps the British were just the most ruthless of colonial conqueror. Be that as it may, there are numerous advantages to learning English, but the most obvious is that  English has become the language of choice for International business, trade and export. 

English is also the International language for air traffic control and the language of  science.  This English impetus subtly dictated that every non-english speaking nation accept this as fact and embrace English as he way forward. As such, the demand for english language instruction at all levels by people whose mother tongue is English has grown exponentially, giving rise to a new profession - Teaching English as a Foreign Language, better known by its acronym TEFL. Suddenly countries like, Britain, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and North America found themselves in possession of a much sought after commodity and started exporting it the rest of the world.

A complete course for students preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate Examinations

For the past 25 years the TELF industry has flourished, offering TELF / TESOL  tuition and certification to prospective teachers  in virtually every country in the world. But as every industry goes, there are the fly-by-night operators and the cowboys whose devious and underhand  dealings gave the industry a bad name, making it necessary for the formation of regulatory bodies. 

Once again its the Brits who took centre stage by establishing  "The English Language Information Service, as a subsidiary of the British Council, promoting academic courses in TEFL for The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) Cambridge Certificate,  and the Trinity College of London Certificate. For several years The Royal Society of Arts was the main regulatory and examination board for TEFL training courses but subsequently merged with the University of cambridge Local examinations Syndicate (UCLES). 

TEFL qualifications was then known  as RSA/UCLES, changed to RSA/Cambridge Certificate in TEFLA (Teaching English as a Foreign language to Adults) or CTEFLA.  UCLES now promotes CELTA / DELTA / ESL as certificates of higher grade.

However, non of  these certificates mentioned above nor the regulatory bodies for teachers of the English language guarantees you success in learning English. The only thing that does, is your determination to succeed. Considering you could end up with a tutor with the highest ESL certification but who has no creativity, or teaching ability, a real intellectual clutz.  You'd be far better off learning English online from me absolutely free.


Using the above book, Success t First Certificate by Robert O'neil, Micheal Duckworth & Kathy Gude or one of the simpler books in my collection we are going to brave the English language and learn English. The problem with an online course is that you, the student need to have a some experience with English since the media of tuition is also in English. Without that, there will be  major difficulties in relating to anything that I write. 

However in a classroom setting hand gestures and body movements, facial expressions, drawing, demonstrations and role play is the key to successful learning. An old saying says, a picture is worth a 1000 words, but in a classroom where you sense of hearing, sense of sight, sense of touch, sense of smell and your personal interest your the subject at hand is at least  worth a library.